Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: coffee


The revolver is a modern classic created in San Francisco in the early 2000s by Jon Santer. The name of this cocktail is somewhat a play on words if you

Stargazing with Galileo

Who hasn’t been tempted to try butter in their coffee in lieu of cream? It seems pretty indulgent, but some people swear by it, calling it bullet, or bulletproof coffee.

Cold Brew & Tonic

Normally, we don’t reach for tonic when we want a cocktail. The old G&T may be a popular choice, but we think it’s because people don’t know what else to

Coffee Cocktails

Coffee flavor in cocktails is nothing new. Classic recipes like Mexican and Irish Coffee are legendary. You also have coffee liqueur which shows up occasionally in recipes (one of our favorites


What spirit driven cocktail is as dark as the night is long, bittersweet, features a favorite (and often controversial) Italian Amaro as the base, and is surprisingly delicious if you are

Irish Coffee

There’s more than one way to make Irish Coffee, and everyone who enjoys this winter warmer may have their own particular preference. However, it shouldn’t contain Irish Cream, nor any

Infusion confusion? Not at all!

One of the easiest and most rewarding techniques to personalize your liquor cabinet is to do an infusion. Unless you have been living in a dry county for the past