Black Walnut Old Fashioned
Whether you already consider yourself a cocktail enthusiast or you are just getting started, there’s no denying the appeal of the Old Fashioned cocktail. Its simplicity and historical significance often
Whether you already consider yourself a cocktail enthusiast or you are just getting started, there’s no denying the appeal of the Old Fashioned cocktail. Its simplicity and historical significance often
Happy New Year! For our first cocktail of 2025 we decided to finally post the High Five, a drink by Alex Day of New York’s Death & Co fame. We
With several cocktails now competing for our summer attention, leave it to Zach Zoschke to throw another into the mix from his YouTube channel. Of course, Zach speaks our language
A refreshing remedy to the summer heat is the frozen cocktail. Ice-cold, thick, frothy and capable of giving you “brain freeze” can sound pretty good on a hot summer day.
You don’t see that many cocktails that feature bananas, and the more we pay attention to people’s reactions when we mention it, we get the impression that not many people
It’s called the Hucktini, a name that might remind you of stories by Mark Twain but probably comes from cocktail naming “sensibilities” of the relatively recent past—before the modern craft
If you are like us, you horde your Lemon Hart 151 like it’s the last bottle on earth. Or maybe you stockpiled a few during the ups and downs of
A little over five years ago we attended a release party hosted by Jamal Hassan for his release of The Mediterranean Exploration Company’s Oregon Arak, distilled and bottled in partnership
The cold, wet weeks of late winter and early spring always have us looking forward to warmer times. As we start to climb out of the dark, shorter days of
We were thumbing through the excellent book, Death & Co. and for some reason, this cocktail caught our attention. We immediately recognized the name, but it took a few moments
We are always on the lookout for good recipes for genever. It shouldn’t be that hard considering that genever is basically Holland gin—the historical predecessor to London Dry styles we
In the Pacific Northwest, a sunny break from winter rain signals the coming of spring, and before you realize it, spring is turning into summer. As bright warm days outnumber
While everything should be taken in moderation including moderation, Summit Sips advocates quality over quantity in the pursuit of unique and delicious flavors. Always drink responsibly.
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