Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Improved Gin Cockail

Improved Gin Cocktail DetailDavid Wondrich calls it “New York’s answer to the Sazerac.” If you’re a fan of that drink, you probably know that it comes from New Orleans. A true cocktail in the original definition of the word, the Sazerac features whiskey, sugar, water and bitters, plus a little absinthe—a fantastic classic. And since New York was originally a Dutch colony, it makes sense that their version would involve gin—but not just any gin. If we stay true to the period in which this was created, that gin would have been Dutch genever. It would be fair to call this the Improved Holland Gin Cocktail.

Not long ago, we explored genever in the Bols Alaska cocktail, so here’s another fun way to use it. If you’ve been thinking about adding genever to your cabinet, let me tell you, it’s time. The truth is, genever is a very interesting product that can surprise you when you try it in any classic gin cocktail. The bold maltiness provides an interesting backdrop for what becomes a somewhat delicate juniper nuance—not the strong pine flavor typical of most London Dry gins (which won’t work as well here). And yet, even though you’ll need to take a chance with an unusual spirit, our drink of the week is versatile. There’s absolutely no reason you can’t use an Old Tom gin in its stead, not that Old Toms are any more common than genever, but you do have options for this sublime sipper.

Improved Gin CocktailImproved Gin Cocktail
2 oz Dutch (or Old Tom) gin
1 barspoon rich simple syrup (2:1)
.5 barspoon maraschino liqueur
1 dash absinthe
2 dashes aromatic bitters

Stir with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist, expressing the oils over the drink.

But what about the name? What makes it Improved? Well, it turns out this drink started as an Old Fashioned. For those of you who only know the modern version of the Old Fashioned (the one with muddled orange slices, cherries and such) the original Old Fashioned cocktail was made by dousing a sugar cube in Angostura bitters, adding a splash of water to dissolve it, and mixing in some spirits with ice. It’s more often thought of as a whiskey drink, but the gin cocktail is an acceptable variation. Both are better with some citrus peel, and if you really want to add some improvement, your recipe will include some liqueur (maraschino, curaçao, etc.) and a dash of absinthe. The result is definitely an improvement over the original gin cocktail, and it’s delicious.

We’ve already mentioned this works great with an Old Tom gin. Hayman’s is a brand we have found around the Twin Cities without much trouble, but our favorite is Ransom. Ransom Old Tom Gin is barrel aged and has a brownish tint with just a kiss of sweetness. Of course, most of our Ransom ends up in Martinez cocktails, but we can spare a little now and then for this drink. Try swapping the Luxardo maraschino liqueur for some Grand Marnier, or Cointreau. For the bitters, Angostura is an obvious choice, but there are modern replicas of Boker’s Bitters out there now which would probably bring you closer to the period recipe. We have tried Fee’s Whiskey Barrel-Aged and Bittercube Bolivar with success, so here is another approach to trying your own variations. One thing you will quickly notice is that the good gin never lasts very long when you have a couple of recipes like this available.

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13 years ago

I really want to like Ransom’s Old Tom, but at least the bottle I got tastes so strongly of cardamom that I have to use it very sparingly. Quite a shame, since they’re local as well.

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
13 years ago

That is a shame. I haven’t been thinking of cardamom when drinking my Ransom, but now that you mention it, I’ll have to go back and taste it again with that in mind. I love it even though I know it’s unusual, so either mine is different or that flavor IS strong and just doesn’t bother me. Interesting. I see you added at least a little cardamom to your own gin experiment. Would yours work here?

13 years ago

I think Ransom has changed their recipe over the years. My roommate and I hosted a gin tasting a couple of years back and I don’t remember the Ransom being over the top at that point.

A little cardamom is great. I only mind when it’s the dominant flavor. If you like Plymouth gin, you’ll like the homemade gin recipe I used. The flavor profiles seem to be pretty similar.

11 years ago

What is maraschino liqueur?

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
Reply to  Linda
11 years ago

Linda, Maraschino (mare uh SKEE no) is a clear liqueur from the late 18th century made using Maraska cherries (a sour morello from Italy/Croatia) and their pits. It has a deep cherry flavor with a funky nutty character. The most popular brand is Luxardo, but you also see Maraska in stores. The flavor is definitely NOT like cherry cough syrup, so you cannot substitute cherry Heering.

There are some very good classic cocktails that use it, so you should have no trouble justifying a bottle if you plan to explore other recipes.

9 years ago

Linda & Randy,

If you do get a bottle of Luxardo, can I suggest a Grapefruit Hemingway as another cocktail to try.

1 oz Dry Gin
.75 oz Maraschino liqueur
.5 oz Fresh lemon juice
.5 oz simple syrup (even better use lemon simple syrup)
1 Fresh grapefruit wheel

In a shaker muddle the grapefruit wheel, add all other ingredients and fill with ice. Shake and double strain into a rocks glass. Enjoy

We had these last weekend and everyone killed them rather quickly.

Assistencia vulcano
Assistencia vulcano
7 years ago

I’l be honest, I love gin and I´ve made some with my one creativity, but when i tried this one, oh man! it was delicious… this one became one my favorites.