Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

A New Reviews Menu

TeardropChanges are afoot at Summit Sips. We moved the Archives menu item to the navigation sidebar and added a Reviews link to the main menu above.

We have always believed that the best cocktails are those you make yourself, but we are often asked to suggest a bar or restaurant that serves a good drink. Over the course of several years we have collected photos, recipes and experiences from locations around the country. We decided it was finally time to compile those details into a comprehensive list and make our notes available to our readers.

Obviously, we have not been to every good bar in the world so the list is short and has an emphasis on those locations where we have spent the most time. Our plan is to let it grow, day by day, place by place. It’s also a work in progress and we will be adding more mini reviews every few days.

Experiences at bars we review must be put into context. Our descriptions are personal and represent visits at specific times. We may add additional details as we hear about them, but bartenders move around and places change, so this must be a consideration when reading. We would like to avoid a rating system as this inevitably leads to ranking. That’s not our goal. From our perspective, and in no particular order, every place on the list is (or was) worth visiting. However, these pages are open for comments so that readers can add their notes to help keep the reviews updated. Feel free to add your own experiences to the conversations!

Finally, if there is a place we missed, let us know so we can add it to our list. It may take time to visit and write up a short review, but if we think the drinks are worth it, we will post something about it.

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