The century-old Casino cocktail (which we should probably write about) inspired Sam Ross to create this rye-based version in 2005. We will make both, but decided to share this one first. This is like the Final Ward cocktail only without the Chartreuse—something we can all appreciate right now.
First, get yourself some Luxardo Maraschino (mar-uh-SKEE-no) liqueur, or the Maraska brand as we have here. Then, grab a bottle of a strong, bonded rye—we used Rittenhouse 100, but something like Old Grand-Dad bonded rye works. You want that peppery flavor alongside the lemon. There’s not much to say except that this is a delicious combination definitely worth exploring, and another great reason to pickup a bottle of clear cherry liqueur. It’s also a nice relief from the Chartreuse shortage if you find yourself missing the Last Word and many of its variations.
Adderly by Sam Ross
2 oz high-proof rye whiskey
.75 oz maraschino liqueur
.75 oz fresh lemon juice
2 dashes orange bitters
Shake with ice to chill, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.