Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: cranberry

Cosmopolitan – Seriously.

Not everyone who reads Summit Sips will understand the implications of posting the Cosmopolitan as our Drink of the Week. In cocktail geek circles, the Cosmo is the quintessential “bad

Boston Bog

We have always wanted to make fresh cranberry juice, and you can find plenty of good recipes online that seem simple enough. Most of them describe putting cranberries through a

Monkey Bar & Seafood Restaurant

We had a little fun on Friday with our last post about the Frank Collins. We think it’s important not to always take life too seriously. If you or someone

Homemade Cranberry Liqueur, Part 1

Well, it’s that time of the year when apples start to replace the tomatoes at farmer’s market. Last weekend, a vendor was selling bags of fresh cranberries, so we decided