Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: Fernet-Branca

Barrel Aged Cocktails

All the cool kids are doing it, so Summit Sips couldn’t wait any longer. We just had to try our hand at barrel-aged cocktails. It sounds like a lot more


Here’s a recipe we have been meaning to share for quite some time. It’s a highball that was our first cocktail at The Violet Hour in Chicago. That was several


There’s no reason to take any of this mixology stuff too seriously. Whether or not you consider the art of mixing drinks a science, it would be hard to convince

Bitters, Bitters and More Bitters

Yesterday, we attended the “Mixology 3: Make Your Own Bitters” event organized by Studio Bricolage and hosted by the Bradstreet Crafthouse at the Graves 601 Hotel. We were one of