Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: whiskey


An easy way to mix a variation on the Manhattan cocktail is to swap the whiskey. The simple two-to-one formula combines spirit with sweet, Italian vermouth and a dash of

Smoke Signals

More than ten years in the making, we are finally posting a cocktail we discovered during our first week in Portland. It was the vacation that inspired a cross-country move.

Stargazing with Galileo

Who hasn’t been tempted to try butter in their coffee in lieu of cream? It seems pretty indulgent, but some people swear by it, calling it bullet, or bulletproof coffee.

Bourbon Renewal

We have always felt privileged to write about recipes and techniques demonstrated by Jeffrey Morgenthaler just a few miles away at Clyde Common. One of the benefits of living in


It’s not going to cure the global pandemic, but the Penicillin cocktail by New York’s Sam Ross can make you feel better about making cocktails at home. It is a

Barrel Roll

We’ve covered so many recipes over the years it is easy to forget posts from the early days. We continue forward with seemingly no end in sight, but sharing virtual

Little Italy

Created by Audrey Saunders at the famous Pegu Club in New York and named for one of the city’s neighborhoods, this is another Negroni variant with New York style. Opting

Old Pal

It’s Negroni Week, so we are featuring another variation on the classic Negroni cocktail to expand your options as you enjoy delicious drinks that feature Campari. We also created a

Left Hand

The concept here is to combine two favorite classics, the Negroni and the Manhattan, into a single drink. Created in 2007 by Sam Ross of New York, this cocktail is

Remember the Maine

This is a tasty Manhattan riff that was apparently named for the 1898 press slogan, “Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain,” which was a reference to the US battleship

The Democrat

We probably could have waited until November to post this cocktail, but a decent drink is good any time, and the name is not really the point. The Democrat appears

Hot Toddy Shortcut Recipe

There must be many ways to make a Toddy, because if you dig into cocktail history, the recipe first published in the Jerry Thomas guide is awful, or at least