Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Make Ginger Syrup, Homemade Ginger Beer and Delicious Cocktails

Moscow Mule Copper MugOur favorite homemade ingredient is probably Ginger Syrup. It’s easy to make, it lasts a long time in the refrigerator, and you can make a variety of soft drinks and delicious cocktails with it. While some folks like to have bottles of top-quality ginger beer around, we find it much more convenient and versatile to have the syrup. We combine it with lime and carbonated water when we want some. The beauty of this concept is that the components have other uses and you probably already have them around.

Ginger Beer vs. Ale
If you are not familiar with Ginger Beer, perhaps you’ve heard of Ginger Ale. It’s not the same thing. They are both soft drinks flavored with ginger, but the lightly-flavored soda that is ginger ale lacks the intensity of good ginger beer. Ginger beer often packs a wallop—the strong ginger flavor has a slight burn on the tongue just like freshly cut ginger root. Tangy lime helps round out the flavor and carbonated water provides the fizz. Of course, you can buy ginger beer—there are several brands out there that do a good job of capturing the fresh flavor and character of ginger and lime—but nothing compares to the stuff you can make yourself.

Two methods: Easy and REALLY Easy
When we first started making ginger syrup, we followed a fairly easy recipe that appeared in Imbibe Magazine. It involves chopping up a bunch of ginger root in a food processor and cooking it on the stovetop with water and sugar. The result is a wonderful syrup with a delicious and powerful ginger taste. However, we recently started using an even easier method that completely avoids the stove and the hours of simmering, straining and cleanup. Others have said, and we agree, that this version below tastes sharper and fresher, and while both make excellent ginger beer, the time and effort spent over the stove and on cleanup makes the easier method here the better one. It also retains a more of a yellow color instead of a caramel brown. Best of all, the heat of the ginger seems to last a lot longer.

Make Syrup
This version comes from Toby Maloney of The Violet Hour and it is the version many are using to make incredible cocktails. The easiest way to describe it is to provide the recipe first and suggest options for the ingredients:

Ginger Syrup The Really Easy Way
1 part ginger juice
2 parts sugar

Pour the sugar and the ginger juice into a sealable jar, seal the lid and shake until the sugar is dissolved. Pour the syrup into a bottle for storage and use. Store in the refrigerator. Top with a few ounces of vodka if not serving to minors to extend shelf life.

Can it really be that simple? Well, obtaining fresh ginger juice may be a challenge. If you own a juicing machine or extractor—the kind that separates the pulp—you won’t have any problems at all. Just toss in fresh ginger root and use the juice it creates. But if you are like us, you never believed the Juice Man’s pitch when you saw his infomercial, so you never bought the expensive appliance. So, now what? We have heard that Whole Foods will use their equipment to extract fresh ginger juice for you if you ask nicely as will juice and smoothy bars at health food stores. You may need to explain why you just want ginger—say please over and over, or give them a nice tip. You could even promise to bring them a cocktail! For fresh juice there is one more option: make it yourself using a food processor or a blender.

We make our own fresh ginger juice by pulsing ginger through a mini Cuisinart or a good blender. You must add a small amount of water to keep it going and then extract the juice by hand using cheesecloth or a muslin bag from a home-brew shop. To do this, dump the puree onto your cheesecloth over a plate or bowl. Wrap the pulp in the cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. These steps do require a bit more time and cleanup, but it’s a lot easier than cooking something on the stove. As a last resort, you could use a product called Ginger People Ginger Juice which comes in a 5 ounce bottle. Some folks say they have had good luck making syrup with it.

Make Some Ginger Beer
So, now that you have your ginger syrup it’s finally time to drink it! The easiest thing to make is ginger beer. To do it, you need a lime and some carbonated water. We use a soda siphon that we always have on hand in the refrigerator, but any club soda or sparkling mineral water will do.

Ginger Beer
ginger syrup
soda water

Fill an ice-filled glass a third of the way with ginger syrup, top with soda water and a squeeze of lime juice. Enjoy.

And, what about cocktails? The quintessential ginger cocktail is the Moscow Mule once mentioned in an earlier post. It’s a wonderful drink that kicked off the vodka craze of the 1950s. However, now that you are using syrup, here’s a more appropriate recipe for it. The drink is best served in genuine antique copper mugs. We sometimes have them available in the Shop.

Moscow Mule
2 oz vodka
1 oz lime juice
1 oz ginger syrup
2 oz soda water

Build in an ice-filled highball glass or copper mug. Add the vodka, fresh lime juice and ginger syrup. Top with soda water. Stir to mix and serve.

If vodka isn’t your poison, what about rum? This version of the Dark and Stormy is a wonderful way to enjoy the famous cocktail from Bermuda that is sure to please anyone. This drink is traditionally made by mixing Gosling’s Black Seal Rum with ginger beer, but we like the look of floating the dark rum over the top and watching it swirl and mix into the drink like dark and ominous storm clouds on the horizon.

IMG_9176Dark and Stormy
1.5 oz amber rum
.75 oz ginger syrup
.75 lime juice
2 oz soda water
.5 oz black strap rum

Add the amber rum, ginger syrup and fresh lime juice to a mixing glass. Fill with ice and shake to chill. Strain into an ice-filled collins glass, top with soda water and float .5 ounce of dark rum such as Cruzan Black Strap or Gosling’s Black Seal.

Ginger syrup is versatile and convenient. You can try it in anything that calls for simple syrup to create a unique twist on an old favorite. For recipes that call for ginger beer, add one-third syrup, two-thirds soda water and a squeeze of lime to make a much better cocktail than anything out of a bottle. New cocktails are popping up all over that take advantage of ginger flavor. Some use ginger liqueur, but we find that the syrup’s intensity easily outperforms the liqueur. You can even use the syrup in food recipes. Adding a little to a stir fry will definitely take it up a notch. You can also add some to hot or iced tea where you might normally use honey. We’d love to hear what you think when you make your own ginger concoctions. Leave a comment or a recipe and let us know what you are drinking.

Update: It’s been a while since we posted this syrup recipe, and we have never looked back. It’s the ginger syrup method we continue to use every time. Summit Sips hasn’t made a cooked ginger syrup since. Over the years, we have posted several cocktails that use it and continue to do so. Click Here for everything tagged on Summit Sips with ginger.

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13 years ago

Holy Crud! I just made my first batch of ginger syrup and it is overpowering. Used it in a grapefruit bourbon sour – 2oz bourbon, 1oz grapefruit, .5 oz ginger syrup. I typically would make a 1:1 simple syrup and then let a bunch of chopped ginger steep for 5-10 minutes for this recipe. First time making it from ginger juice though – unfortunately it doesn’t work too well in my bourbon sour drink.

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
13 years ago

John, I am curious, did you make your ginger juice based ginger syrup using a 2:1 rich sugar ratio? If you stuck with the 1:1, that might explain why you ran into trouble with your bourbon drink. At a full .5 ounce, you may have had the right level of sweetness, but because the ginger syrup is so potent, it was too much burn to handle. With 2:1 sugar, you get more sweet and so you can afford to use less, and that might bring the burn under control. Just a thought. You could also simply split your recipe with… Read more »

13 years ago

No, I used a 2:1 ratio this time with the ginger syrup. And I did actually cut back the amount of syrup I usually use (from .75 to .5). It’s just too powerful, even with what I consider a more robust bourbon (Trace, Makers, Bulliet). No worries, I plan on trying some of your other suggestions for the ginger syrup – I think it’ll play better in drinks that are cut with some soda water (like the Dark and Stormy / Moscow Mule that you suggest above). My bourbon sour can wait for the time being. (FYI, I live in… Read more »

13 years ago

Thanks again for some great advice. I am now serving house made ginger ale at my bar and in my cocktails!!! People are loving it. Trying to get the portions right though… I used a juicer to juice the ginger and then added an equal part of 1:1 simple syrup and a half part lime juice to create my ginger syrup. For a glass of ginger ale I have a 1:4 ratio of ginger syrup to soda water. It’s very tasty but if anyone else has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. I was nervous because I did… Read more »

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
13 years ago

Mary, Sounds like what you are doing is working, but it might be more complicated than you need. I don’t mix a simple syrup separately at all–too many variables. For instance, you are using water in your 1:1 simple syrup, right? Then you add water again when you add carbonation. Why not simplify the process and add water only once–at the end when you carbonate with soda water? That’s the logic behind the “simple” method above. You make a syrup, but the ginger juice is your “water”. The sugar will dissolve just fine in straight ginger juice, and think of… Read more »

Ginger Lover
Ginger Lover
12 years ago

I was just looking for ginger syrup made from raw and fresh ginger juice and found yours. Thank you so much for this.

I have couple of questions though… What would be the life of the ginger syrup made from Juice and can this syrup be heated ?

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
Reply to  Ginger Lover
12 years ago

I have found that this syrup will last surprisingly long. We are talking months, not weeks. Because it’s a cold process, you want to make sure the bottle you store it in is sanitized first. I store mine in the refrigerator and I almost always add a bit of neutral spirits to the top which helps preserve it. This assumes you are referring to spoilage and not flavor. Ginger syrup made with juice this way retains its flavor intensity a LOT longer than a hot process. In other words, cooking the ginger in a syrup for hours to extract the… Read more »

11 years ago

THANK YOU for the recipes! I made ginger juice using my magic bullet blender, then squeezing the pulp out with cheese cloth. Then I made your Dark and Stormy with the syrup, and it was the best! I’m very happy and will be buying lots of ginger in the near future to make more. I had previously followed the PDT recipe for “house ginger beer” and been very disappointed at what turned out to be mildly flavored ginger water. Your ginger syrup is a much more flavorful and fun ingredient, and I look forward to spicing up future cocktails and… Read more »

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
Reply to  Ben
11 years ago

It is fantastic, isn’t it? I have found that the 2:1 sugar content to seems the high mark for both sweetness and ginger heat. You don’t need much to balance a cocktail from the sugar perspective, and that helps keep the heat under control since the quantity added can remain low. As John commented above, it can be pretty powerful. And yet, I enjoy the heat so I often just make it 1.5:1. Less sugar allows me to use more in a recipe and really push that ginger flavor.

Ginger bacon sounds like a great idea!

11 years ago

Last night my friend told me that she can no longer order Dark and Stormys at bars because she knows they just won’t compare to the ones I now make, thanks to your recipe! I would tend to agree with her. Thanks again!

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
Reply to  Ben
11 years ago

I have to admit, at the risk of self-promotion, that everyone in my house tends to feel the same way! I appreciate your comments. I guess the next question is what’s next on your list?

Reply to  Randy Hanson
11 years ago

It just so happens that this week a SECOND person also commented that one of “my” drinks made them never want to order it again at a bar because it probably wouldn’t be as good there. I made Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s amaretto sour. I was hesitant to post this on your site, promoting someone else, but when I double checked to see what your sour recipe was I saw you’d posted the exact same one, citing Morgenthaler!
Maybe you can make a list of “Homemade Cocktails So Good You’ll Never Order Them Out Again.”

11 years ago

Hi, can you suggest a good substitute for the sugar? would high quality honey work?

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
Reply to  sam
11 years ago


Theoretically, you could make this with any sweetener. Honey would be interesting. This past weekend I had a locally brewed “session” style mead with ginger that was quite tastey, so I think the favors would work together. Agave nectar is another option, although the actual sugars in agave nectar are questionable. I’d be curious how it turns out.

Bill @ The Cocktail Novice
Bill @ The Cocktail Novice
10 years ago


I recently made Ginger Beer Syrup (Video Here)and I can’t believe that it could be any easier, but this post has me curious.

Well, I guess you’re recipe is next up in the queue.


Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
Reply to  Bill @ The Cocktail Novice
10 years ago

Bill, first of all, great video! I especially like the idea of adding lemon zest to the syrup. I think that could do wonders. If you haven’t tried the cold method, I definitely think you should check it out. Have you noticed the heat dissipating from your syrup after a few weeks? I used to, and found that it doesn’t do that with the cold process. Once you get past the challenge of making ginger juice which isn’t really that tough if you have a blenders or a food processor, I think you will stop using the stove. I am… Read more »

10 years ago


10 years ago

Btw, I bought .5kg or so of fresh ginger from the market, cut into chunks and simply used my hand lemon/lime juicer to squeeze out the juice.

10 years ago

Hi Randy, I’m having a hard time getting the sugar to dissolve into the ginger juice. Did you heat the juice to get it to dissolve? I used 1 cup of ginger juice and 2 cups of sugar and it just settles in the bottom of the jar I used no matter how much I shake it.

9 years ago

Great way to use ginger juice to make the syrup. This is definitely the way to go if you want ginger beer and not the ginger syrup in many cocktail recipes. Ginger syrup us sweeter and less spicy and won’t overpower a cocktail. It is a flavored simple syrup and is meant to provide balance, not lots of ginger heat. Ginger Beer syrup, like this one made with the juice, is what you want for a Moscow Mule or a Dark & Stormy. Also, you mention superfine sugar, which will dissolve easier. You can use a food processor to turn… Read more »

Ginger Beer the easy way… | petebrunelli
9 years ago

[…] Here is a more complete exploration from Summit Sips […]

Rochester Ginger
Rochester Ginger
5 years ago

Thanks for bringing a health and enjoyable driving in form of ginger Beer. I really like the recipe and definitely try to make it at home. So thanks once again guys.