Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: Irish whiskey


An easy way to mix a variation on the Manhattan cocktail is to swap the whiskey. The simple two-to-one formula combines spirit with sweet, Italian vermouth and a dash of

Otoño Cocktail

Some years ago, we received a gift from a family member living in Spain. Pacharán (or Patxaran) is a sloe berry and anise flavored liqueur from the Navarre community of northern

Gangs Of New York

It’s hard not to love the Whiskey Sour with all of its many variations. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a whiskey drinker you can usually find something you like in


After a short break for the holidays we finally decided to check out the Multnomah Whiskey Library. It’s not that we were putting it off—on the contrary—we have been meaning

Republic of Jam Cocktail Club

This past weekend we were invited to participate in the quarterly Cocktail Club at Republic of Jam. Being asked to contribute recipe ideas was an honor, and it was even

Red Hood

A few weeks ago we posted a cocktail called the Briar Patch that is flavored and sweetened with jam. Of course, we turned to our favorite local shop, Republic of

Oscar Cocktails

“And the nominees for Best Supporting Cocktails are. . .” Wait, “Best what?” Ok, that’s crazy, but if the Academy asked me who should be nominated for this category, we’d

Irish Coffee

There’s more than one way to make Irish Coffee, and everyone who enjoys this winter warmer may have their own particular preference. However, it shouldn’t contain Irish Cream, nor any