Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking


Saratoga DetailIt’s getting cooler now with October behind us, and once we set our clocks back, darkness will descend before the cocktail hour. For many, that’s a sign that winter is coming, and with the inevitable onset of cold weather and blanketing snowfall, nothing warms the heart more than snuggling up to a blazing fireplace sipping rich, dark spirits. Well, at least for us, enjoying the flavors of rye whiskey, brandy and sweet vermouth seems to be an experience that fits better with the colder, darker months of the year.

For our Drink Of The Week, we set our sights on the classics again, turning our clocks all the way back to the 1880s. Imagine yourself in the days of Jerry Thomas, Saratoga Springs, New York, enjoying the spas—or more likely—the horses, the gambling, the cocktails. By then, the cocktail had established a firm grasp on social culture and the Saratoga was a popular feature.

Comprised of two base spirits, the Saratoga combines rye whiskey, brandy and sweet vermouth in equal proportions. Of course, it wouldn’t be a cocktail without bitters, so here we have two dashes of Angostura.

Saratoga CocktailSaratoga
1 oz rye whiskey
1 oz brandy
1 oz sweet vermouth
2 dashes Angostura Bitters

Add the ingredients to a mixing glass and stir with ice to chill. Dilution happens slower when stirring, so it is important to take some time to properly cool the drink and take the edge off the spirits. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a lemon wedge.

Although it happens to be less popular today, Americans are finally finding their way back to rye whiskey. If you are normally a fan of bourbon or even Canadian blends, you owe it to yourself to try a nice rye, especially in a mixed drink. Rye’s bolder, spicier character holds up well in cocktails, especially in flavorful classics. We’ll have more to say about rye soon. When this recipe appeared in Jerry Thomas’s Bar-Tender’s Guide (the 1887 revised edition) he calls for shaking it with two lumps of ice, but given that this drink is all spirits, it benefits from being stirred instead so that you can preserve its gem-like clarity.

To us, this cocktail is begging for experimentation, not because it isn’t good as-is—we love the way it leans toward the Manhattan but the brandy retains a certain boozy elegance that demands pause and reflection after each sip. On the contrary, the combination of rich flavors makes it an interesting candidate for careful substitution. If you start thinking creatively, you could come up with some interesting ideas, and we mean more than simply swapping the bitters. Why not try some Maraschino liqueur and sherry in place of the vermouth? How about a port wine or Madeira? Play with the whiskey and try one of your favorites, or maybe a flavored brandy for the other base spirit. After adjusting to balance the sweetness, you might reinvent something that already exists, or maybe you can come up with a new cocktail destined to survive another century! Either way, we are curious to know what you tried. How was your Saratoga? How was your improvised variation? Let us know in the comments below.

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Rob Marais
Rob Marais
14 years ago

This looks like an outstanding cocktail, and properly named a classic. I can’t wait to try this soon! I’ve tried using port as an adjunct with rye alone, and it makes for a rich sip, but it needs a bitter backbone that Cynar has supplied quite nicely: 2 oz rye 1 oz port .5 oz Cynar has become my eponymous cocktail. Doing 1 oz rye and 1 oz brandy in this formula will be even more interesting.
Thanks for featuring classic sips with compelling new ideas!

Randy Hanson
Randy Hanson
14 years ago

Rob, Now THAT’S what I am talking about. I was going to mention Amaro ideas but I should probably write up a post on that subject as a reference first. Potable bitters is exactly what I had in mind. I am sure there’s a way to work Nonino or even Fernet Branca into this recipe somehow. As for Cynar, I too find it hard not to reach for the bottle every time I am making a spirit-forward riff. Ok, so: 1 oz rye 1 oz brandy 1 oz port .5 oz Cynar Cocktail Bitters? Give it a name! We are… Read more »

Tweets that mention Drink Of The Week: Saratoga | Summit Sips -- Topsy.com
14 years ago

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BOLS CONNECTIONS, Björn Bochinski. Björn Bochinski said: Drink Of The Week: Saratoga | Summit Sips – http://j.mp/acnWdP […]

Saratoga Cocktail | 12 Bottle Bar
14 years ago

[…] Randy over at Summit Sips (a great site to which everyone should subscribe) made the Saratoga his Drink of the Week that it was brought to mind.  Neither the Manhattan nor the Saratoga appears in the first edition […]

The Saratoga « Tempered Spirits
13 years ago

[…] Italy, or vary the bitters, or toss some Scotch in there. Who knows what could happen? Check out Summit Sips for a few notes on possible variations (and a similar transition to colder weather), or look at Paul Clarke’s write-up, which notes […]

Saratoga Cocktail | 12 Bottle Bar
13 years ago

[…] Randy over at Summit Sips (a great site to which everyone should subscribe) made the Saratoga his Drink of the Week that it was brought to mind. Neither the Manhattan nor the Saratoga appears in the first edition of […]

Rick Wood
Rick Wood
10 years ago

Hi Randy,
Another winner – I did it with Rittenhouse and VS Hennesey and M&R vermouth.. Very nice – although any derivative of the Manhattan or any of the Brooklyn neighborhoods are keepers.

Going to try it with sherry, maybe a Pedro Xirenez, although not a whole ounce – too sweet. Maybe half Pedro and half fino -perfect??

Like the idea of Maraschino as well.

Cheers from Guam..


6 years ago

The drink of the week, Saratoga, looks like an ideal drink for a cold winter day!