Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Category: DOTW


With well over a century under its belt, the Bijou cocktail already enjoys a long history. Yet, even though most bars will have all of the ingredients, you probably won’t

Bee’s Knees

As any regular reader will attest, we are fans of classic cocktails. It would be hard to write these posts if that were not the case, since even contemporary combinations

Queen’s Park Swizzle

There may be snow on the ground, but we can’t help thinking about the garden. Kale will appear at the farmers market in Portland this week, and that makes us

Sloe Gin Fizz

A Fizz—that sounds interesting, but sloe gin? Isn’t that the sickeningly sweet red stuff from from when you were young and didn’t know any better? Well, yes and no. And,

Riviera, two ways

Sometimes,we feature classics, sometimes a riff, and once in a while it’s an exotic Tiki. There’s not really a pattern to the Drinks Of The Week here at Summit Sips,


There’s no reason to take any of this mixology stuff too seriously. Whether or not you consider the art of mixing drinks a science, it would be hard to convince


This week, we feature another bitter-sour combination in the Jasmine cocktail. If you enjoyed the Campari Sour a few weeks ago, this drink is similar, although it is more complex

Floridita Daiquiri

This week we finish up our short Caribbean series with a two-for-one daiquiri post. Officially, we are featuring the Floridita Daiquiri for our Drink of the Week, but a variation

Floridita Cocktail

When cold weather dominates the land, it’s hard not to think about places you might rather be—instead of digging out from the latest snow storm. Why not bring home a

Mamie Taylor

This week we feature a highball that is virtually unknown by most people, yet it is the foundation upon which many popular drinks are based. Our drink of the week

Campari Sour

If any drink exemplifies the flavors that Campari has to offer, it’s probably straight Campari, but besides that, our Drink Of The Week really shows off this wonderful bitter liqueur.

21st Century

Last year around this time we started the Drink of the Week, a journey through classic and contemporary cocktail recipes. The 52 cocktails chosen, along with many that were posted