Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: grenadine

Hawaiian Sunset

In our last post, we remarked on the fact that there aren’t very many Tiki cocktails that feature vodka as the base spirit. The Blue Hawaii is a popular exception,


Yesterday, we mixed a highball from the most recent July/August 2022 issue of Imbibe Magazine. Today, we wanted to try another, and to our delight, this one is non-alcoholic. Drinks

Halloween Party Cocktails

It’s a question we get asked every year: What cocktail should I feature at my Halloween party? There are a lot different answers depending on what is important for your situation. We

La Yapa

Sometimes we have to make tough decisions. For example, Derby Day or Cinco de Mayo? As a friend of ours recently said, you don’t really have to make that choice—you

Secrets of the Past: Old Cocktail Books

Anyone with a sustained interest in cocktails inevitably collects a few books. Some of us find pleasure in the obscure, letting a beat-up vintage tome transport us to another place

Golden Dawn

As the cooler months of autumn begin to replace the summer’s heat, we often think of cocktails made with apples and darker spirits. So often, the drinks we post here


We have been enjoying the second season of Boardwalk Empire, the HBO television show set in Atlantic City during Prohibition. On the show there is a character played by Dabney

El Presidente

It may be long overdue, but we are finally getting around to posting about the El Presidente cocktail. We mentioned this drink way back in November 2009 but never provided

Creative Holiday Gift Ideas

One of the best gifts you can give someone interested in cocktails is booze. You don’t even have to break the bank (although you might reconsider picking from the bottom

Pink Lady

The name may not inspire you, but this drink actually surprised us. If you dig around in old cocktail books for this recipe you find that they are all different.

Millionaire No. 1

Back in March we posted a recipe for the Sloe Gin Fizz. If you haven’t had the pleasure of tasting this drink, or more importantly, tasting real sloe gin, we