Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Category: Classic Cocktails


Some time ago when we featured the Negroni as our Drink of the Week, we included the Americano as a bonus recipe. Today, we’d like to give the Americano its

Savoy Tango

From the title you might expect something wild and exotic, but the Savoy Tango is a very simple cocktail. Boasting only two ingredients, it’s also easy to make. But can

Hotel Nacional Special

Last weekend, we met some friends at Marvel Bar in Minneapolis where Pip Hanson holds court, overseeing a fantastic collection of classic cocktails and contemporary masterpieces. We had some time to kill


It’s one of several drinks by this name which shouldn’t be too surprising. Plenty of cocktails are inspired by sporting men, the sports themselves and often the events that bring


We have been enjoying the second season of Boardwalk Empire, the HBO television show set in Atlantic City during Prohibition. On the show there is a character played by Dabney


After our first sip of Fernet-Branca we doubted there would ever come a time that we would actually enjoy the stuff. It’s a common reaction. Since then, we have proven

Champagne Cocktails

We have said it before and it still holds true: It’s never a bad time to open a bottle of champagne. Although we like to keep a bottle of bubbly

Between The Sheets

Here’s a cocktail that combines two base spirits, brandy and rum. It’s a prohibition era recipe that takes inspiration from the Sidecar, a delicious and flavorful drink that was itself

El Presidente

It may be long overdue, but we are finally getting around to posting about the El Presidente cocktail. We mentioned this drink way back in November 2009 but never provided

Widow’s Kiss

There’s still a bit of chill in the air even though we have probably seen the last of winter. Even with warmer days, it can cool down overnight, so this

Champs Élysées

Here is an excellent tipple to add to your weekend repertoire. You might have seen this one appear on the menus at some of your favorite craft cocktail bars recently

Barrel Aged Cocktails Part 2

Click here for Part 1 to find out how this started. Several weeks ago we featured a technique involving oak barrels and batched cocktails. In that post we described some