Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Category: Classic Cocktails

Batches and Bowls

Whether you are prepping for a weekend party or a spring picnic (we are probably several months early for that), you may be looking for ways to enjoy the event

Travel Cocktail Kit

Not long ago, someone sent us the link to a clever gift item called the Carry On Cocktail Kit. We checked the link, read the descriptions, viewed the pictures and decided


Despite the improved quality and availability of citrus in winter, colder months always seem better suited for spirit-driven cocktails. Whiskey usually comes to mind, but other spirits also fill the

Egg Nog

For several years running we have resisted making egg nog after we read about a process that includes aging. This possibly ill-conceived idea starts with a basic egg, dairy and

Brandy Buck

We’ve managed to stretch this line of cocktail recipes across years of posts. It’s no secret that we love our homemade ginger syrup, so it is only natural that we

Raspberry Cocktails

There are so many ways to use fruit in cocktails. Muddling fresh produce may be the easiest, but you can also freeze it for use off-season. More traditional options include

Negroni Week 2014

It’s Negroni Week all over the world! It started on June 2nd and extends throughout the week to June 8th. At current count, 1271 participating bars are donating a portion of the

Bottled Cocktails

Perhaps it was just a matter of time—or the right occasion—before we rolled up our sleeves to make bottled cocktails. We’ll admit, it sounds easy enough: pre-mix a large batch


After a short break for the holidays we finally decided to check out the Multnomah Whiskey Library. It’s not that we were putting it off—on the contrary—we have been meaning

Lion’s Tail and Allspice Liqueur

During the cooler months of winter it seems like everyone is interested in baking spices. Cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and allspice are seasonal favorites. Micro breweries start to churn out winterfest

Gomme Syrup

One of the joys of mixology, like many pursuits, is that it affords the cocktail enthusiast an opportunity to be creative. We’re not just talking about the exploration of drink