Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: whiskey

Scotch, a holiday tradition

When we think of tradition, it’s usually related to the holiday season. We suspect for most people, the traditions they follow get passed along year after year from family. We

Pomegranates and How to Make Grenadine

<EDIT> There is an easier method if you cannot be bothered with fresh pomegranate. See the recipe below. This time of the year, at least in Minnesota, you start to

The Manhattan Cocktail

It’s a very basic drink, but nobody seems to ever make it exactly the same way. There are plenty of variations (and as many hot debates over them). But one

Blood Orange Crusher

Does the old saying, “necessity is the mother of invention” apply to cocktails? We suppose to some people it’s hard to recognize the need for a refreshing beverage, but that didn’t