Explorations in Mixology Cocktails Drinking

Tag: lemon

Improved Gin Cockail

David Wondrich calls it “New York’s answer to the Sazerac.” If you’re a fan of that drink, you probably know that it comes from New Orleans. A true cocktail in


Some time ago we wrote about St-Germain, the wonderful elderflower liqueur with a unique, fruity and floral flavor. Armed with this exciting new liqueur that showed so much promise, we

Breakfast Collins

We have always been a fan of incorporating fresh seasonal ingredients into cocktails whenever possible. Living in Minnesota, there’s nothing we can do about finding locally grown citrus, but we


Here’s a cocktail that goes back to 1933. According to Ted “Dr. Cocktail” Haigh’s Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails, it comes from an old pamphlet. As it’s presence in Haigh’s book

Sleepy Head

Here’s another fantastic ginger cocktail, but not a new one. It’s the Sleepy Head, and it dates back at least as far as 1930 when it appears in Harry Craddock’s

Bee’s Knees

As any regular reader will attest, we are fans of classic cocktails. It would be hard to write these posts if that were not the case, since even contemporary combinations

Sloe Gin Fizz

A Fizz—that sounds interesting, but sloe gin? Isn’t that the sickeningly sweet red stuff from from when you were young and didn’t know any better? Well, yes and no. And,

Riviera, two ways

Sometimes,we feature classics, sometimes a riff, and once in a while it’s an exotic Tiki. There’s not really a pattern to the Drinks Of The Week here at Summit Sips,

Oscar Cocktails

“And the nominees for Best Supporting Cocktails are. . .” Wait, “Best what?” Ok, that’s crazy, but if the Academy asked me who should be nominated for this category, we’d


This week, we feature another bitter-sour combination in the Jasmine cocktail. If you enjoyed the Campari Sour a few weeks ago, this drink is similar, although it is more complex

Cruise Ship Cocktails

It’s a tricky thing, choosing cocktails on a cruise ship. Do you go with the signature Drink of the Day or pick one from the menu—a list that is bloated

Campari Sour

If any drink exemplifies the flavors that Campari has to offer, it’s probably straight Campari, but besides that, our Drink Of The Week really shows off this wonderful bitter liqueur.